How to choose shipping setting

VietSpace Marketplace does not have integration with Canada post, FedEx, DHL, or any other shipping company, to automatically calculate shipping, which is why it is the vendor’s responsibility to configure the shipping settings as desired. Many vendors opt for a flat fee; however, they may want to set up the shipping by weight depending on what they are selling.

The platform handles shipping in 4 ways:

  1. Shipping by Country
  2. Shipping by Zone
  3. Shipping by Weight
  4. Shipping by Distance

We give vendors the freedom to configure their own shipping (flat fee, pick up only, etc.), and it is their responsibility to share the tracking with users. Our marketplace platform only shows the shipping cost that the vendors have configured.

Types of shipping settings

VietSpace Marketplace gives you the most flexible and powerful shipping management system for your marketplace. Read below to know how easily you can configure the shipping module for your marketplace and enjoy selling!

Shipping by Country

In addition to zone and weight, we permit users to set the shipping cost in terms of specified countries.

Shipping by Zone

A Shipping Zone is a geographical area to which you ship items, you will need to first set up shipping zones, then add methods to those zones, and lastly, rates to your methods. You can create as many zones as you may like, and add multiple methods and rates to each zone.

Shipping by Weight

The platform allows vendors to set shipping rules in relation with the weight of the products ordered.

Shipping by Distance

The platform has the option to let users to set the shipping cost based on distance between vendor and user location.


Depending on the the type of shipping you are going to use to ship your store products, there are different requirements:

Note: The type of shipping applies per store, not per account.

Shipping by Country Requirements

  1. Default Shipping Price
  2. Per Product Additional Price
  3. Per Qty Additional Price
  4. Free Shipping Minimum Order Amount
  5. Ships from
  6. Shipping Rates by Country
    1. Country
    1. Cost
  7. State Shipping Rates
    1. State
    1. Cost

Shipping by Zone Requirements

In case you want to configure your Shipping by Zone, please contact the admin to manage your store shipping.

Shipping by Weight Requirements

  1. Free Shipping Minimum Order Amount
  2. Country and Weight wise Shipping Rate Calculation
    1. Country
    1. Calculate cost
    1. Default cost if no matching rule
  3. Weight-Cost Rules
    1. Weight Rule
    1. Weight
    1. Cost

Shipping by Distance Requirements

  1. Default Cost
  2. Max Distance
  3. Free Shipping Minimum Order Amount
  4. Distance-Cost Rules
    1. Distance Rule
    1. Distance
    1. Cost

Steps to follow

To configure your shipping, you need to login to your dashboard using this link:

You will access your dashboard on the left, and have to select the “Settings” option:

It will redirect you to the “Store Settings” page, and you have to click on the “Shipping” option on the menu below:

There, you can enable or disable shipping, set the processing time and the shipping type:

Now you can start configuring your shipping, depending on the shipping type you choose. Read below to see the steps to follow to each one.

Note 1: If you don’t mark the “Enable Shipping” box with a checkmark, it will only be offered local pickup, and no shipping rates will be charged.

Note 2: The “Processing Time” is to create buffer time before the shipping starts to count, which includes the preparation of the product, packaging time, and everything the vendor needs to do for the product to be sent. That time will be added to the shipping time (ex. processing time is 1 day and shipping time is 2 days; therefore the client will receive the product in 3 days).

Shipping by Country

To configure Shipping by Country, click on the drop down menu “Select Shipping Type…” and choose the “Shipping by Country” option:

Once you select the option, the following fields will appear:

In case you want to manage a flat are per country or state, it doesn’t matter to which province of the country you are shipping your product to, a flat fee will be handled. You have a default shipping price and can charge an additional price per each additional product, or for more quantity of the same product:

You can offer Free Shipping starting from a minimum order amount. To configure it, hover over the “Free Shipping Minimum Order Amount” field and click on the top arrow until you reach your desired number, or write it manually:

You are also able to offer local pickup by marking the “Enable Local Pickup” box and filling out the “Local Pickup Cost” field:

To add another state of a same country or add a new country, click on the “+” button that is located at the bottom of each field:

Once you are done filling the information you need to set up the Shipping by Country, click on the “Save” button that is located at the bottom right of the page:

Shipping by Zone

To configure Shipping by Zone, click on the drop down menu “Select Shipping Type…” and choose the “Shipping by Zone” option:

Once you select the option, you will see the following screen:

Note: This shipping option is not enabled by default. The zones can only be created by the site admin, being able to add zones where only shipping is handled, a flat fee per neighborhood or per Zip Code/Postal Code. It is not automatically enabled since the zones are shared between the vendors. If you create a new zone, it will appear for all the vendors.

In case you want to configure your Shipping by Zone, please contact the admin to manage your store shipping.

Shipping by Weight

To configure Shipping by Weight, click on the drop down menu “Select Shipping Type…” and choose the “Shipping by Weight” option:

Once you select the option, the following fields will appear:

The Shipping by Weight option is to calculate the shipping cost based on the weight. There are 2 ways of doing that:

  1. Based on rules: Create ranges depending on the product’s weight, charging a price from “weight up to” to “weight more than”.
  2. Per unit cost: Charge a flat fee for the number of products multiplied by the product weight.

It will be selected the “Based on rules” option by default, and if you want to use that calculation method, you will need to fill out the following fields:

In there, you can select the “Weight up to” or “Weight more than” option, depending on how you are going to manage your shipping cost:

You can also fill the “Country default cost if no matching rule” field to add how much money ($) you are going to charge if they buy something that doesn’t match the rules you have created. Use the arrows to establish a cost or type it down:

To add another cost per weight or add a new rule block, click on the “+” button that is located at the bottom of each field:

If you would like to choose the “Per unit cost” option instead, click on the “Calculate cost” dropdown menu and select the “Per unit cost” option:

Once you have selected that option, the following fields will appear:

To add a new rule block, click on the “+” button that is located at the bottom of that field:

You can offer Free Shipping starting from a minimum order amount. To configure it, hover over the “Free Shipping Minimum Order Amount” field and click on the top arrow until you reach your desired number, or write it manually:

You are also able to offer local pickup by marking the “Enable Local Pickup” box and filling out the “Local Pickup Cost” field:

When you are finished filling out the necessary information for the shipping option you chose, click on the “Save” button that is located at the bottom right of the page:

Shipping by Distance

To configure Shipping by Distance, click on the drop down menu “Select Shipping Type…” and choose the “Shipping by Distance” option:

Once you select the option, the following fields will appear:

For this shipping option, it is important to set up a distance limit to avoid buyers from adding shipping addresses that are out of your coverage area:

In there, you can select the “Distance up to” or “Distance more than” option, depending on how you are going to handle your shipping cost:

To add a new rule block, click on the “+” button that is located at the bottom of that field:

Example: Vendor A set ups a shipping fee of $10 up to 10km and $20 for more than 10km. A client orders something from vendor A and his address is 15km away from Vendor A, the client will pay for shipping $30 ($10 for the initial 10km plus $20 because his address is more than 10km).

You can offer Free Shipping starting from a minimum order amount. To configure it, fill out the “Free Shipping Minimum Order Amount” field:

You are also able to offer local pickup by marking the “Enable Local Pickup” box and filling out the “Local Pickup Cost” field:

When you are finished filling out the needed information, click on the “Save” button that is located at the bottom right of the page:

Support Information

In case you have any doubts or questions regarding the information and steps shared in this manual, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.



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