How to post a product

There are 2 types of products that you’re able to post on the Marketplace:

  1. Physical products
  2. Digital products

The Marketplace is designed to sell products, and if you’re interested in selling your services, we suggest you to go to the main VietSpace page:

Note: It is recommended that the store has the shipping and payments already configured before publishing new items, to make the process easier.

Requirements to post a product

Once your store has been validated and approved, you will need to at least share the following information in order to post a product:

  1. Type of product
  2. Product title
  3. Price
  4. Image
  5. Short Description
  6. Categories
  7. Description
  8. Tags
  9. Shipping
  10. Tax

Steps to post a product

Below, you can see the steps to post a product, whether it’s a physical or a digital one:

Steps to post a physical product

To post a physical product, first you need to login to your dashboard using this link:

On your dashboard, click on the “Products” option located at the left:

In there, you will see your products limit, which depends on the membership you have. To post a new product, click on the “Add New” button next to the “Products Limit” text:

Note: Every product that appears on that list, will count as one product, whether it is saved as a draft or if it’s published. If you want to be able to post more products, we recommend you to upgrade your membership type.

The Free membership allows you to have 20 products; the Basic membership 50 products; and the Premium has an unlimited amount of products you can post.

You will be redirected to the “Manage Product” page, where you will be asked to fill the following information:

On the dropdown menu below the “Add Product” title, you will be able to select the type of product you’re selling:

Simple Product: This is the product that is sold per unit.

Variable Product: This product, depending on the quantity that is being sold, generally changes its price.

Grouped Product: This is when you create bundles of different Simple Products and put them together in order to offer discounts.

External/Affiliate Product: An external affiliate product is a product that you promote on your WooCommerce store, but which is actually sold by another company. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. It is important to consider that the Marketplace is not responsible for making the commission payment related to this type of product, you are just publishing an external product in the platform.

Below that dropdown menu, there are 3 product options: Catalog, Virtual and Downloadable. You must mark the “Catalog” box if you’re selling a physical product.

Regarding the Categories, we recommend you to use the ones that are already established, since these are the ones that are authorized by the VietSpace Marketplace. If you create a new category, it will need to be reviewed and it can be rejected.

When filling out the Short Description and Description fields, you need to have in mind that Marketplace is a multilingual website, meaning it is available in Vietnamese and English. Because of that, if you want your product description to appear in those both languages, you will be asked to add that description two times: one in Vietnamese and other in English.

On the options located at the bottom of the page, you will need to at least fill the “Shipping” and “Tax” information. You can fill the “Inventory” information if you’re going to be managing your inventory from the platform, and the rest of the options are used to give more information about the product.

On the “Shipping” option, you will get asked the weight and dimensions of your physical product:

Once you have filled out all the required fields, click on the “Submit” button located at the bottom right of the page:

You will see the “Product Successfully Published” message at the bottom of the page:

Now, click on the “Products” option at the left of your dashboard. It will redirect you to the list of your products, where you can see an overview of your published products and drafts:

Steps to post a digital product

To post a digital product, first you need to login to your dashboard using this link:

On your dashboard, click on the “Products” option located at the left:

In there, you will see your products limit, which depends on the membership you have. To post a new product, click on the “Add New” button next to the “Products Limit” text:

Note: Every product that appears on that list, will count as one product, whether it is saved as a draft or if it’s published. If you want to be able to post more products, we recommend you to upgrade your membership type.

The Free membership allows you to have 20 products; the Basic membership 50 products; and the Premium has an unlimited amount of products you can post.

You will be redirected to the “Manage Product” page, where you will be asked to fill the following information:

On the dropdown menu below the “Add Product” title, you will be able to select the type of product you’re selling:

Simple Product: This is the product that is sold per unit.

Variable Product: This product, depending on the quantity that is being sold, generally changes its price.

Grouped Product: This is when you create bundles of different Simple Products and put them together in order to offer discounts.

External/Affiliate Product: An external affiliate product is a product that you promote on your WooCommerce store, but which is actually sold by another company. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. It is important to consider that the Marketplace is not responsible for making the commission payment related to this type of product, you are just publishing an external product in the platform.

Below that dropdown menu, there are 3 product options: Catalog, Virtual and Downloadable. If your digital product can be downloaded, you must mark both “Virtual” and “Downloadable” boxes with a checkmark. If you only enable the “Virtual” box, users won’t be able to download it.

Regarding the Categories, we recommend you to use the ones that are already established, since these are the ones that are authorized by the VietSpace Marketplace. If you create a new category, it will need to be reviewed and it can be rejected.

When filling out the Short Description and Description fields, you need to have in mind that Marketplace is a multilingual website, meaning it is available in Vietnamese and English. Because of that, if you want your product description to appear in those both languages, you will be asked to add that description two times: one in Vietnamese and other in English.

On the options located at the bottom of the page, you will need to at least fill the “Downloadable” and “Tax” information. You can fill the “Inventory” information if you’re going to be managing your inventory from the platform, and the rest of the options are used to give more information about the product.

On the “Downloadable” option, you can upload your file and establish a name. In there, you are also able to limit the number of times the digital product can be downloaded.

Note: Depending on your membership, you have a file size limit: the Free membership allows you to upload a file of maximum 512 MB; the Basic membership 512 MB; and the Premium membership has a size limit of 1 GB.

Once you have filled out all the required fields, click on the “Submit” button located at the bottom right of the page:

You will see the “Product Successfully Published” message at the bottom of the page:

Now, click on the “Products” option at the left of your dashboard. It will redirect you to the list of your products, where you can see an overview of your published products and drafts:

Note: In case you upload a digital product that is against our website policies, your account could be suspended.

Support Information

In case you have any doubts or questions regarding the information and steps shared in this manual, please reach out to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.



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